All posts from pedrera
3am - A short film by Pedrera Films
3am is a strange time of night. Somewhere between dusk and dawn. Somewhere between reality and the things our sub-conscious cannot let go of.
Configuring and working with Docker Machine
Docker Machine is a component of Docker that allows management of remote virtual machines hosting docker containers. This post covers on overview of Docker Machine and some handy commands to configure and manage it.
Enabling Diagnostics and Logging output from Windows Azure Web Apps
A walkthrough of the options that Windows Azure has on offer in order to log details from your Web App.
Using Jekyll to generate a static site
Jekyll is a static site generator that is growing in popularity since being adopted by Github to power Github Pages. It's a flexible, easy-to-pick-up tool that scans source content such as html, markdown, less, sass and coffee-script files and generates all the assets of your website, following your defined templates.
A Home Amongst the Webs
Pedrera is a home on the web for thoughts and warblings about things I enjoy to think and warble about. This mostly entails technology, software and toying around with tech, design, music and photography.